Actually, there is keyboard listener
At least if you hide keyboard by yourself
I faced this trouble. When you replace view on your activity and you have EditText
with anopened keyboard, sometimes you get exception and crash:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection.closeConnection()' on a null object reference
at android.view.inputmethod.InputConnectionWrapper.closeConnection(
Or, in case of Samsung, keyboard stays on screen and freezes.
As my colleague said, “You can’t fix Android, but you can find a workaround”. An obvious one is to wait, while the keyboard is closed and then do your stuff. There is a great article about utilizing OnGlobalLayoutListener with help of RxJava.
In my case, I could be pro-active and close keyboard by myself. And InputMethodManager
has a great method for this:
public boolean hideSoftInputFromWindow (IBinder windowToken,
int flags,
ResultReceiver resultReceiver)
where the third parameter is our desired listener. I believe it’s straightforward, what’s going next. So, there an extension functions for you:
And here is usage:
nextButton.setOnClickListener {
passwordEditText.hideKeyboard { doStuff()}
There is no more crashes or keyboard freezes.
Photo by Markus Gjengaar on Unsplash